About Us

Share our passion and philosophy

We love what we do, we solve problems for business using web  technologies.

We Are MSL

MSL Web Solutions was founded in 2007 by Simon Moat, initially as a vehicle to develop companymanual.co.uk, our premier document management and control application.  Since that time, we have built many differing applications solving a variety of problems across a broad range of industries.

We provide both bespoke and off the shelf online software solutions for business problems using off the shelf products, bespoke development or combinations of the two.

We design and build web applications to solve business problems, improve processes, capture new or unlock existing data, creating management information to help inform decision making.

Technology Lovers

We have team members from Aviation, Information Technology, and the Legal Industry, and we like nothing more than the challenge of solving problems using technology.  

We are independent of any technology vendor or supplier and so can choose the best technology for the task at hand, which often results in more cost-effective solutions for our customers. We work with multiple technologies from competing vendors – this broadens choice and helps lower costs. 

Our solutions need only a browser and internet connection.

Feedback and Evolution

In order to improve, we must understand. We consider all our customers partners – so much so that every single one of our off the shelf offerings has the ability for any user to send us feedback.  

We Love To Learn

Many of the solutions we are asked to build are fun for us, because in many cases we are being paid to learn new things, and what could be better than that? It’s often said that if work is enjoyable, then it isn’t work, and that’s the single most accurate thing we can say about ourselves. 

We strive to improve

We take all feedback and use it to improve. For our off the shelf products  this means consulting with other customers, and incorporating useful ideas into our development roadmap. This can be a new feature, a better way to complete a task or resolving a problem, we consider all customer feedback invaluable.

The right solutions

You may have the heard of the ‘law of the instrument,’ or the ‘golden hammer’ summarized by the phrase – ‘To the man with a hammer every problem is a nail.’ Well, rest assured, we have an extensive toolbox and are constantly evaluating new tools & technologies to help us choose the right technology for a given problem.  

Your Problems, Our Solutions

We Believe In Hard Work And Honesty

We are honestwe will not try and sell you something you don’t need. Quite often a potential customer might not realise they already have a solution to a problem, via software they already have licensed. If that’s the case, we’ll point that out wherever possible.

We also understand that not every business has (or wants) a deep understanding of technology, and so needs careful advice on what’s best for them.  

We offer an independent advisory service – much like buying a car, buying a software solution, or commissioning an application design can be complex and fraught with peril. If you don’t know or don’t want to know about how cars work, then you’ll need advice to avoid potential costly mistakes and buyer’s remorse. The same can be said of software solutions. 

Some of our customers

Take advantage of online solutions.

From standalone solutions to integrations, we can help.


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